Thursday, April 28, 2011

Being the Funeral Home of Choice

     There are a lot of choices we make every day in life based on intuition, more commonly known as our "gut-feeling".  People choose a funeral home for pre-planning needs based on impressions they have of your funeral service, whether they are valid or not.  Because of this, every promotional product and contact point from your funeral company should encourage people to contact you for their pre-planning needs, or at least in the case of a loved one's passing.  The way your company's logo makes them feel, the attractiveness of your website, the experience their friends or family members had working with your directors in the past - its all about making people feel good about your company before they attempt to contact you for a funeral arrangement.
     Getting referrals for pre-planning options, a  great way to secure growth for your funeral home's future, is best accomplished through providing the best possible service to those families you are already working with.  The best service requires more than performing the basic funeral rituals, such as the service planning appointments with families to all the legal documentation required after the graveside closing.  The best level of service also calls for expressing sympathy to the family with a card, a memorial gift, or even an aftercare visit

     Some funeral homes, often with the greatest reputations in the industry, provide year-end memorial services where families can share a sense of closure to their loss of loved ones during the year.  It is these memorial services where funeral directors can show a level of hospitality and empathy that may be missed by the family during the original funeral service thanks to rushed schedules and wild emotions of family members they are consulting with.  A year-end memorial service where all families can get together allows everyone to celebrate the memories of those who passed during the year. 

     As part of these year-end celebrations, personalized memorial gifts can be given to each family in honor of their loved one's legacy.  These memorial items should be something that holds up to many years of use, and cannot easily break.  From personalized memorial ornaments to military veterans' flag cases, the value of a one-of-a-kind memorial gift spreads not only good-will, but sows the seeds of future business for the funeral home.

Explore a Personalized Aftercare Program

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